Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

Please read the privacy policy.

  1. By using {, you agree to the following privacy policy. If you do not agree to any of the items, please refrain from using the site.
  2. When you post comments on the site, in order to protect you from spam and unauthorized users, as well as for feedback from users, the user name you indicate (any name can be used, including “disappear”), email address and IP address of the user are stored in the database. The data is not provided to third parties unless it is required by the laws of the Russian Federation. The site also stores a cookie (a small text file) on your computer so that you can see the comment you left before it is approved by the administrator (if you disable cookies, comments will “disappear” until they are checked and approved).
  3. Third-party providers of advertising on the site, including Google ( and the Yandex Advertising Network ( may use cookies stored on your computer and display advertisements based on the stored cookies and/or your search query history. You have the ability to disable the use of cookies in your browser settings or on the sites of the advertising providers. Google and Yandex have their own privacy policies, which you should familiarize yourself with: Google Privacy Policy, Yandex Privacy Policy.
  4. When visitors from the EU visit the site, no cookies are used to personalize ads and personalized ads are shown in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  5. You may request at any time that any information about you be removed from the site’s database or mailing list by using the contact form.
  6. Data providers of website visit statistics (Google Analytics) may also store in their databases data about visitors’ IP addresses, cookies or other impersonal information (e.g. search terms used to arrive at the website).
  7. Anonymized visitor information may be stored in the logs of the site’s hosting provider.
  8. To clarify any details about the privacy policy, you can contact the author of the site, using the address given in Contact.

Conditions of use.

  1. All information on this site is the personal experience and opinion of authors. The authors of our site do not guarantee that when using the described methods and recommendations the result will be similar to the one described in the articles. 2.
  2. The authors are not responsible if the actions described in the articles on this site will lead to any undesirable results, but are willing to help with advice if this happens.
  3. Copying and reproduction of text and graphic materials is not allowed without prior agreement with the author.